Much better Sockeye Salmon fishing can be found further down the Kenai and also on the Kasilof River. There are lots and lots of power boats “shopping” the banks for a good Sockeye fishing spot. Black, Brown, Olive, White and Flesh are great colors this time of year. Others are choosing to catch and release fish for Rainbow Trout. KASILOF RIVER REPORT - Both the upper and lower Kasilof River have been fishing quite well for Sockeye Salmon. FLOODING FROM THE UPPER KENAI RIVER SHOULD BE HITTING THE LOWER RIVER SOON. 18 Halter CT, Elloree, SC 29047 (803) 826-6111. 6/3/2020 - Probably one of the most active days we’ve had King Salmon fishing of the 2020 season. The second run fish are making their way up the river. SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 - LOWER KENAI RIVER REPORT - (NO CHANGE) Action has been relatively decent for Coho Salmon on the Lower Kenai River. The early reports from the Kenai River King Salmon fishing is that the action is fairly slow with only a few caught; however, the action on the Kasilof River has been a bit better with several fish caught each day. Similar to the “Upper Upper Kenai River,” the Refuge is fishing decent for trout. We’ve seen multiple fish landed and several hooked as we fish down the river. 07-31-2012, 08:34 PM #2. gabowman. 6/1/2020 - It seems that since the first big pushes of King Salmon into the Kasilof River, many guides have been reporting several opportunities a day at hooking up as well as several fish to the boat. Trout fishing has been decent in spots and Silver (Coho) Salmon fishing closes after October 31st. Latitude 33.57806, Longitude -80.53139 . The upper upper Kenai River and the Middle Kenai River have fished nicely. For information on the fishing report contact them on 1800 637 060. The mandate prohibits travel from long distances for recreation during this time and we ask that you consider whether or not you are traveling to Cooper Landing from areas with a number of Coronavirus cases and whether or not it is necessary. It’s been a couple of years since we’ve had this much good action early on in the season and we hope it continues into June! The “Upper Kenai River Refuge” (Sportsman’s Landing to Jim’s Landing/Lower Skilak Lake Campground) Trout fishing is good and Silver (Coho) Salmon fishing is about to end. With the current COVID-19 pandemic mandates in place, it is important to only travel when it is an absolute necessity as to not spread the Coronavirus and endanger our fellow anglers and neighbors. Remember, Silver (Coho) Salmon fishing closed on November 1st. The weather has been outstanding and it appears like the King Salmon season might just be shaping up nicely. Anglers have reported good trout fishing. 7/5/2020 - LOWER KENAI RIVER REPORT - Lots of boats have been King Salmon fishing over the July 4th weekend. UPPER KENAI RIVER REPORT - The “Upper Upper Kenai River” (Bridge to Sportsman’s Landing) is still seeing very light pressure with decent to good Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden fishing. The whole southeast is almost like a desert due to this nasty drought. Many are red due to the low, clear water. Sockeye Salmon are present. Trout fishing is improving and will only get better as we get into late-August/September. The river is rapidly rising, making some banks nearly impossible to Sockeye Fish. No fishing for King Salmon on the entire Kenai River and No Bait on the entire Kenai River. We expect to be super busy with not too many days of rest this coming summer! The trout fishing has been good, but in small pockets. Turn left onto Landing Lane (#204) and look for the signs. Remember, Silver (Coho) Salmon fishing is open through October 31st and closes on November 1st. A slow and sluggish start to the second run of fish to say the least on the Lower Kenai River. Be sure to arrive early and be patient with other anglers, pedestrians, wildlife and boats. That evening we also spent time with John from KTVA news. MIDDLE KENAI RIVER REPORT - The Middle Kenai River is fishing decent currently. The Upper Kenai River Refuge (Sportsman’s Landing to Upper Skilak Lake Campground) finally started producing good numbers of Sockeye Salmon. Many are red due to the low, clear water. The “Upper Kenai River Refuge” (Sportsman’s Landing to Jim’s Landing/Lower Skilak Lake Campground) continues to be painfully slow for Sockeye Salmon. This section of river is seeing heavy angling pressure. The excitement for the upcoming summer season has been building all winter and it really shows in May! Stump Hole Landing Stump Hole Landing. Angling efforts shift from Sockeye Salmon as the month goes on to Coho (Silver) Salmon. There has been good Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden action. We were still able to eek out a limit of 3 fish each for 2 anglers, but it was not easy to say the least. KASILOF RIVER REPORT - July 1st marks the start of the second run of King Salmon on the Kasilof River. It’s probably no secret that it has been extremely cold this month. RUSSIAN RIVER REPORT - (NO CHANGE) Second run Sockeye Salmon are beginning to show up; however, many of them are red. Anglers have reported good trout fishing. For flies, check out Dave’s selection of flies HERE. The “Upper Kenai River Refuge” (Sportsman’s Landing to Jim’s Landing/Lower Skilak Lake Campground) is busy with lots of angling pressure. Better fishing is happening with each passing day. Cooper Landing Fishing Guide, LLC, Mile Marker 48 Sterling Highway, Cooper Landing, United States, NEW EMERGENCY ORDERS RELEASED FOR THE KENAI RIVER AND KASILOF RIVERS FOR KING SALMON AND SOCKEYE SALMON, Kasilof River early run King Salmon Restrictions, KENAI RIVER AND KASILOF RIVER FISHING CALENDAR. They are starting to turn a little blush with their extended journey due to low water. July marks the second run of King Salmon. KASILOF RIVER REPORT - The Kasilof River is still producing a great early run of Sockeye Salmon to help supplement a rather slow run and catch rate of King Salmon. Hot patterns this time of year are washed-out micro-flesh flies, washed-out beads, pheasant tail nymphs and stonefly nymphs. Expect the numbers to improve within the next 5-10 days. Hey Inky..I got the Short Stay ramp open least for awhile as long as the water holds out. JULY 23, 2020 - LOWER KENAI RIVER REPORT - NEW EMERGENCY ORDERS taking place this coming Friday July 24th, extending through July 31st - No fishing for King Salmon on the entire Kenai River and No Bait on the entire Kenai River. The high sun and low water is keeping fish held up in holes and making it less likely for them to move throughout the day. Saskatchewan Lakes - Fishing Reports - Click on the name of the waterbody for a detailed history and personal reports. Sockeye Salmon are present. Sockeye Salmon have been spotted, but not nearly enough fish to justify spending a day chasing and many are quite red in color. RUSSIAN RIVER REPORT - (NO CHANGE) Some second run Sockeye Salmon are beginning to show up; however, many of them are red. 2,127 views. The river is rapidly rising, making some banks nearly impossible to Sockeye Fish. The higher water has lead to a bit harder fishing conditions, but rewarding when you find the fish. Early 2nd run Sockeye Salmon has been improving by the day as more and more fish enter the Kenai River. Turn left onto Stumphole Road (#204) and go southeast 1.8 miles (2.9 km.). Remember: with freezing temperatures, it is not recommended that anglers remove trout from the water. King Salmon fishing is still moderately slow with a few Kings being caught. There are good numbers of fish coming in on each tide. RUSSIAN RIVER REPORT - Some second run Sockeye Salmon are beginning to show up; however, many of them are red. There are still some Sockeye Salmon around if you can find them among all of the Pinks. MIDDLE KENAI RIVER REPORT - KENAI RIVER IS AT OR NEAR FLOOD STAGE ON THE MIDDLE SECTION. Anglers have struggled to catch a limit. 6/17/2020 - Some slight improvements in the numbers for the first run of Russian River Sockeye as they make their way up river. Come join the best Family Orientated fishing website on the Internet. 6/13/2020 - A lot has gone on since the closing of the Kenai River to King Salmon fishing. UPPER KENAI RIVER REPORT - (NO CHANGE) The “Upper Upper Kenai River” (Bridge to Sportsman’s Landing) is seeing more pressure from both trout and salmon anglers. I have heard some good reports from that area from duck hunters. Sockeye Salmon fishing is improving by the day, but many fish are red that have shown up for the early part of the second run. Be sure to check ADF&G regulations for the stretch of river you are looking to fish. The trout fishing still remains pretty good though. Kenai River Fishing Report for December: Much like November, December has been relatively mild leading up to the end of the month’s cold snap that is upon us. FISHING REPORTS. We are seeing several fish caught in the 35-45lb range. If you do not live in these communities, it is still mandated that if you can find recreation closer to your home town that you partake in recreation near you. As always, Egg Patterns, Flesh Flies and Beads will work this time of year. The first run of fish is all but over and the second run of bigger King Salmon should be showing up soon. A few straggler Sockeye Salmon have been spotted, but not nearly enough fish to justify spending a day chasing. The days are the shortest they’ll be all year, the weather is unpredictable and the shoreline can be icy, etc… Despite the challenges of winter fishing in Alaska, December can produce some nice trout. September is when the Kenai Peninsula can get red hot for fishing. Managing expectations this time of year is the key to a great day on the water. We are currently booking fishing trips for June, July, August, September and October! Silver Salmon fishing is CLOSED on the Russian River. None were brought to hand. The “Upper Kenai River Refuge” (Sportsman’s Landing to Jim’s Landing/Lower Skilak Lake Campground) is experiencing typical amounts of angling pressure with many anglers choosing to target Sockeye Salmon. Though it is a little early to tell, this could just be the King Salmon season we’ve been waiting for since the declines of the mid-2000s. UPPER KENAI RIVER REPORT - (NO CHANGE)The “Upper Upper Kenai River” (Bridge to Sportsman’s Landing) is still seeing very light pressure with decent to good Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden fishing. RUSSIAN RIVER REPORT - The Russian River Sanctuary is closed (Kenai River Confluence) as a part of a recent Emergency Order issued by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Back lakes and drains are where the speckled trout and redfish are good on shrimp or topwaters. Sockeye Salmon fishing on the Lower Kenai River is very good right now with good numbers of fish coming in on each tide. The “Upper Kenai Refuge” (Sportsman’s Landing to Jim’s Landing/Lower Skilak Lake Camground) has seen better Rainbow Trout/Dolly Varden fishing. Lots of Pink Salmon have shown up and some may be spawning in pockets. RUSSIAN RIVER REPORT - (NO CHANGE) The first run of Sockeye Salmon is over on the Russian River. The days get shorter in August, but the fishing keeps getting better and better as September aproaches. Some sites lake ftont. The Sockeye Salmon fishing on the Kasilof has been good and steady lately. There are also pockets of Silver Salmon Spawning. The Sockeye Salmon fishing is dismal due to a low return and low water conditions. We had several opportunities on spin-n-glos and eggs and managed to land a nice one before the morning half day was over. With lower flows, the Kenai River really gets more and more fishy as we roll along into March and April. S = Slow F = Fair G = Good . We are currently booking fishing trips for March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October! Some groups of Sockeye Salmon (a hundred or so at a time) came through at just the right time. This has made them travel at low light hours. Very few Silvers have been spotted, so it may be a bit too early for them. Some Sockeye Salmon have been spotted but many are red at this point. Typically this time of year, off-white, brown, black and olive are our go-to colors for streamers in the 2”-4” range. A few Pink Salmon have also shown up - any day now, the first Silvers will begin to enter the Kasilof. Stay safe and healthy! For the future of the resource, it is imperative to limit air exposure, exposure to foreign surfaces and to limit the time you fight these fish. A few pockets of Silver Salmon are spawning. Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden fishing is better in some spots. The Russian River is fishing really tough. King Salmon fishing is improving with decent numbers being caught and released. There are pockets of silvers around, but not in big numbers. UPPER KENAI RIVER TO EXPERIENCE A GLACIAL DAM OUTBURST. Rainbow Trout fishing is good on the Russian River and at the confluence with the Kenai River currently. I know its tought but it will come back in time. Trout fishing is below average on the Middle Kenai River. READ FULL EMERGENCY ORDER HERE. Very few fish have been caugut. Kenai River Fishing Report for February 2020: As the brisk cold from January subsided February gave way to some more mild temperatures towards the end of the month. Hang in there guys. UPPER KENAI RIVER REPORT - The “Upper Upper Kenai River” (Bridge to Sportsman’s Landing) has been fishing well (ok to good fishing) lately and is still seeing light pressure. Some Silver Salmon have shown up (Remember Silver/Coho fishing on the Russian River runs from July 1 - September 30 ONLY. Remember, Silver (Coho) Salmon fishing closed on November 1st. As long as you can stand to be out in the cold, the fish will be willing to cooperate! Legal. Greater numbers of fish showing up daily. Trout fishing is good and some Silver Salmon (Coho Salmon) are also being caught. 7/10/2020 - LOWER KENAI RIVER REPORT - More second run King Salmon are being caught as the month of July progresses. June 11th brought on the Rainbow Trout opener on the Upper and Middle Kenai River. This has made them travel at low light hours. Not as many pinks around as the Kenai River, so a much better fishing experience overall. Add translations. The Upper Kenai River Refuge (Sportsman’s Landing to Jim’s Landing and/or Upper Skilak Lake Campground Boat Launch) has been fishing well for Sockeye Salmon. Please, for the sake of our community, we ask that you seriously consider the ramifications of traveling here from an outside community. The trout currently have too much food in the system, making for slower than average days. At Cooper Landing Fishing Guide, LLC we operate Alaska fishing trips on the Kenai River, as well as the Kasilof River. For all the tide predicitions please visit Expect the numbers and fishing to improve within the next 5-10 days. The Upper Kenai River Refuge (Sportsman’s Landing to Jim’s Landing and/or Upper Skilak Campground) is still very slow for Sockeye Salmon. Please be patient with each other out there as tensions have been running a bit high with all the pressure. Remember, it is important to release big spawning fish, especially wild hens. The “Upper Kenai River Refuge” (Sportsman’s Landing to Jim’s Landing/Lower Skilak Lake Campground) is experiencing typical amounts of angling pressure. Both the upper and lower Kasilof River have been fishing quite well for Sockeye Salmon. In pockets very slim pickings on the Russian River and a decent of. 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