National College Fairs OACAC hosts three national college fairs in collaboration with the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Pro Tip: Click the "Remind Me" button whenever you see a Zoom session that will be offered by a college that interests you. To register and find out more, click the star below! These are general, 30-minute information sessions. Long Island (NACAC) National College Fair. In addition to colleges' Zoom sessions, NACAC also offers Zoom workshops for students and families. When is the event being held? The Minnesota National College Fair Committee is excited to continue the Transportation Grant Program for the 2020 Minnesota National College Fair. Rochester College Fair Participating Colleges and Universities. Charlotte National College Fair is a premier college fair in the region related to education industry. Enter "nacac" in the "search by college" to find workshops scheduled for each fair. Counselors: Check out the counselor resources, including a promotional kit. College Fair Eligibility. Home News Grand National University of Education cancels'College Recruitment Fair' due to Corona 19 en. To make the best use of your time at the Fair, visit to register for a personal bar code. This will leave you more time to engage in one-on-one conversation. The NACAC National Conference is a vital time for me to continue to develop as a professional as there is always more to learn and things in admission can change quickly. Representatives from more than 200 colleges will participate in the 2020 Buffalo National College Fair on Wednesday, March 18 & Thursday, March 19 at the Buffalo … These are general, 30-minute information sessions. National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) released its list of dates and cities for National College Fairs. State and National College Fairs Fall 2020. For the first priority deadline, we … You can also use the computers provided at the convention site, but be aware that lines may be long at the registration tables. You can schedule a one-on-one meeting with a college admission representative. It would be a 1 day business Trade Show organized by National Association For College Admission Counseling (NACAC) focusing … ***Due to the recent COVID-19 Outbreak in New York State, the Rochester, Syracuse and Buffalo National College Fairs have been cancelled. There are many articles, charts, useful hints and items of information which will be helpful to you. With support from Common App, the NACAC Virtual College Fairs will kick off with a counselors preview to inform them about changes to college admissions Arlington, VA (July 30, 2020) – The National Association for College Admission Counseling’s inaugural season of virtual college fairs launches on August 19 from 2 – 6 p.m. Rochester, NY 14604-1619 Just go to the college's profile page and click on the "Schedule a Meeting" button to choose a date and time. This expo is going to be a 1 day event. ** Event Sponsor: National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) 1050 North Highland Street. Search below for locations, dates, times, workshops and attending colleges and universities. November 8, 2020. MIAMI, Florida – Representatives from nearly 200 colleges and universities will be at the 2020 Miami National College Fair on Sunday, Feb. 23, 2020, to meet with students and parents on subjects such as financial aid, college planning, admission and testing requirements. College Fairs **Due to the ongoing pandemic, Spring 2021 in-person National College Fair programming has been canceled. MORE INFO. Cincinnati National College Fair September 14, 2019 Cincinnati Duke Energy Convention Center 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Cleveland National College Fair February 8, 2020 Cleveland Convention … September 13, 2020. Making the Most of Your Visit to a National College Fair, College Fair Tips for International Students, Making the Most of Your Visit to a STEM College and Career Fair, Promote Your Institution: Social Media Posts and Graphics, Register for a National College Fair as a Gap Year Program, Register for Performing and Visual Arts Fairs, Register for International Universities Fairs, Tips to Engage with International Students, © National Association for College Admission Counseling, March 7 STEM Fair: Download PDF | View online. Your goal is to have as much time as possible to talk with the reps at their booths. Due to heightened concern over the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID 19), NACAC has cancelled the the Buffalo College fair as well as seven others. Event Sponsor: National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) 1050 North Highland Street. Check out Tampa National College Fair Dates Location Schedule Registration Agenda Reviews Exhibitor list. On each fair date, hundreds of colleges will offer Zoom sessions for high school students like you. National College Fairs is a program of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Click below to see which colleges will be at each fair. Today, CC/NHCF serves 125,000 students and 1,800 colleges/universities in over 50 locations across the United States every year. The reminder will get added to your "My Schedule" tab and you'll receive a text when the session is about to start. The opportunity to network with other college counselors and admission representatives is unmatched at any other event throughout the year. Tampa National College Fair is going to be organised on 01 Mar 2020… October 12, 2020. 72nd Ave., Miami, FL 33126. Uniondale, NY. When you visit the college booths, the reps will scan your bar code, automatically accessing your information. Dallas/FT Worth: April 19 National Hispanic College Fairs Inc.® was founded in 1998 to assist the rapidly growing Hispanic/Latino population in obtaining access to a college education. 2020 NEACAC Spring College Fair Schedule Due to the rapidly developing COVID-19 outbreak, the guidance from the Center for Disease Control, and the travel restrictions at organizations within our affiliate, the NEACAC Governing Board has made the difficult decision to cancel our spring college fairs . April 29, 2020. At this time, NACAC has made the difficult decision to cancel the following National College Fair Programs: Suburban Chicago, Atlanta, Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo, Raleigh, Upstate South Carolina, and Charlotte. Enter "pnc" in the "search by college" to find workshops scheduled for each fair. OREGON WEEK Live Times Campus Pride 2019-2020 National LGBTQ-Friendly College Fair Program View dates, times and locations on fair schedule: Upcoming LGBTQ-Friendly College Fairs 2019-2020 SOUTHEAST REGION: Charlotte, NC. This regional event is set to start on 25 April 2020, Saturday in Santa Clara, CA, United States, and organized by National Association for College Admission Counseling. Description: The Georgia Line Tour is hosted by the University of West Georgia, Columbus State University, and Georgia Southwestern State University and includes virtual presentations from each of the above institutions. The following schools will attend the 2020 Rochester National College Fair: AMDA College & Conservatory of the Performing Arts, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital, St. John Fisher College- Wegmans School of Pharmacy, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry, The Clarkson School of Clarkson University, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, © 2020 School Guide Publications | 800.433.7771, More Students Than Ever Are Participating And Succeeding In Advanced Placement, Volunteering: How Helping Others Helps You, 4 Things You Should Consider When Choosing A College, 7 Options to Consider if You Didn’t Receive Enough Financial Aid, 6 Things You Need to Do Before Leaving for College, 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