This is a small line that seems to come from the outside edge of your palm. The overlapping of lines in this manner indicates an affair, or affairs, while one is married. Then only they will be able to love each other. If two parallel marriage lines of nearly equal length are found on the personâs hand indicates he or she might end up loving two people at the same time, or an extramarital affair. The Mana Rekha in Indian thumb reading describes the personâs desires and shows affairs outside of marriage. Locate the 3 major lines on our palm by making use of a flashlight. Marriage lines appear above the mound of Mercury which are on the bottom of the little finger. Some people also take the spirals of the fingers into consideration. The head line, also known as the wisdom line (considered one of the most important lines in Chinese palmistry), reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. Very few signs in palmistry symbolize sexual harassment, extramarital affairs, forced marriage, arrange marriage, caste marriage and inter-caste marriage through marriage line. When there are many fine lines running parallel to the marriage line, it denotes many love affairs outside the existing marriage. In palmistry, the Love line is considered as the Heart line as well, since its beginning point would start from your own palmâs edge right underneath the pinkie finger, and finds a way to run across the palm as well as finally ends right below the area where your index finger interacts with the middle one. Right or Miss right you donât know, maybe before marriage or maybe after. The line running parallel to the life line also known as sister line denotes the influence of the spouse in the personâs life. And from my experience, 90% of divorcees do not have this sign. The marriage line or the love line is the line that is generally found below the pinky finger. Marriage lines were clear and extend horizontally. A line that cuts off the Marriage Line at the end indicates the end of the marriage in death or divorce. Palmistry also considers the lines harmful to married life and the girdle of Venus. Lines that meet but don't cross - children that will be born in affairs. Rati Rekha. related post. Extra marital Affairs. This means that you could meet the a ideal lover, have a happy and harmonious marriage. If there are three lines, that means there will be more than one marriage, and the last one will last the longest. The lines with red are called sexuality lines . It can indicate children, divorce, and even the number of times you will be married. The line on the palm that people are most curious about is the life line. If there is a close parallel line to the marriage line or two marriage lines are close to each other then it indicates relationship/affair continues after marriage also. This line is located between the base of the small finger and also the heart line. Know your partner before jumping into a marriage and do not be blinded by love. This is a small one, or a few lines, which is located between the little finger and the line of the heart. For instance, if a line is weak, the union may not last forever because the feeling of love is not as strong. Palmistry, or chiromancy is the claim of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known as chirology, or in popular culture as palm reading.The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations. Marriage Line â Type 18 By admin 2 | January 23, 2013 - 12:47 pm | November 19, 2013 Marriage Line This kind of Marriage line indicates extramarital affairs. One Line indicate happy marriage. In palmistry the marriage lines are also referred to as the lines of union. A skilled palmist will never consider only one hand. The top line, close to the base of our finger, is the âHeart Lineâ. There are a plenty of signs in palmistry that denotes love marriage, happily married or unmarried life, separation, divorce, and breakup. Discover Chinese palmistry basics with palm reading hand pictures for the palm's lines' meanings: the love line, life line, fate line, marriage line... Palmistry, the study of the palm, is mainly to observe the palm's shape, color,and lines as well as the length of the fingers.