Christ’s tender dealings with sinners during his ministry. Our next Sunday worship attendance increased over 10%! When onlookers correctly guess the answer, allow them to play the next round. Some health-conscious folks like runners, bikers, and other people don't drink soda at all. Get help now! He doesn't say these ideas are to replace preaching, in-depth discipleship studies, edifying the church, etc. We always place salvation tracts in the bags. These BBQ's are going to become a major part of our outreach strategy going forward. Every sermon text can be preached with an evangelistic application. Love covers all and acts of kindness can break boundaries. Love, Church, Preaching, Prayer, dedication, preparation, prepare, Result, Time, length, Leadership General Charles Peterson, read your Bible again--it says so much more than just simply that people are saved by the Preaching of the Word. I am not a fan of this type of evangelism at all. When I see this I ask myself "what do they want from me?" I would enourage all my brothers and sisters to consider reaching out to their community...especially those who meet the criteria of Matthew 25. Our New England church's youth group tried a similar give-away event and was surprised by the indifference, suspicion, and in a few cases hostility mixed in with the warm receptions. However, while reading through the great comments last week, I realized that there’s still some confusion about what an evangelistic sermon looks/sounds like. 2) A misunderstanding of Steve's "intentions". Instead he gives us broad boundaries in which to operate (use the Word, pray, share the Gospel) and then gives us liberty regarding methods. We purchase the candy at a warehouse store for about five cents per roll. We've received reports from all over the U.S. that this project is very effective. I think that people like you and Myron and Christian are missing the point of this article. EASY, LOW-COST GIVEAWAYS . These are sermons that bring people to the signpost at the junction, with two choices. Instead, focus on the principle: demonstrating the love of God in a practical way with no strings attached. We attach a connection card and give out hundreds of these candies to passersby. An effective and fruitful evangelistic church outreach begins with godly pastors who rise to the challenge of training, motivating, and leading the congregation to  (view more) I really like some of these other ideas of kindness. Many sporting event attendees experience this every weekend. If they don't work for you, don't do them. ... Sermons With Fresh Ideas—Never weary the hearers by long discourses. “Choose you this day whom you will serve”. That’s why I call them “warm-up” sermons. John 4:5-26, John 15:9-17, Tags: Clearly we 'earn the right' to proclaim the good news of Jesus by demonstrating this in our lives. Add an invitation to church or other method of connection—even a simple card with your church's name, phone number, and times of services—and you’ve reached someone with the love of Christ! Instead his passion for Christ and people leads him to be creative in how to reach out to the lost.omments. In extreme cases, consider asking the vendor how much money he/she anticipates losing by your presence, then give them that amount in cash. is a leading resource that provides tools and ideas for pastors and church leaders to help them lead well. Evangelistic preaching consists of four essential components: invention, arrangement, style and delivery. A small act of kindness nudges a person closer to God, often in a profound way, as it bypasses one's mental defenses. These are great ideas...Jesus did tell us to go to Jerusalem first and many of us have inverted the order and start out by going to the world first. But don't get too hung up on the specific act. The Baker Sermon Outlines series provides busy pastors with well-researched sermon outlines based on specific texts of Scripture and practical topics. To those who could not support themselves. The average golfer loses three or four balls per outing, so give away imprinted golf balls on the local golf course. when they feel the love and grace of God through our actions, winning them only becomes a result of our deep love for them. Following a medical accident in 1997 and during his recovery, Steve became the Launching Pastor. The invention is the discovery of ideas stage. The church’s marching orders: 16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.  (view less).