It doesn’t rule any sign. You can chant the Argala, Stotram or Kilak Mantra if your marital life is especially affected. The only thing I wonder is, isn’t the person already aware of it? Chanting will clear your life path and grant you wisdom. When praying to get relief from the shadow planet, Lord Shiva can be easily pleased by performing puja, offering flowers, coconut, sindoor, mustard oil, and black sesame seeds. It enables you to see beauty in everything and appreciate all that is exquisite and gor, Nullifying Saturn’s ill effects is crucial since its impact is profound, long lasting and malefic in nature. What is the position of Rahu in my birth chart? Rahu in 11th House or in Aquarius. Today we want to tell you about some Rahu Remedies. *Remedies for Rahu must be performed only after consulting an experienced astrologer to get the best results. Rahu is considered a natural malefic or a shadow planet in Vedic astrology. Let’s understand the results that one may experience if Rahu is placed in different houses of the birth chart. a) Rahu is also known as the demon God plays the role of a mastermind, a magician, illusionist or the one who has huge desires like a luxury, foreign articles, hi-tech things, and everything good in abundance. The mystical connection between Chakra, Colour & Crystal energy with your zodiac sign... Every color has a story to tell. Sock into the healing. All these remedies are proven to be effective and reduce the effect of the mahadasa (Rahudosa). You should bathe with guggal in bathing water and chant his beej Mantra during your bath. After that, one should Jaap 1 mala of Rahu mantra every day. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti for Spiritual Fulfilment, Guided Mantra Chanting Program (GMCP) Store, Powerful Mantras for Good Health and Wellness, Achieving Fulfillment In Life Through A Commitment To Self. You should use a silver glass to drink anything. During the transit, chanting the Mantra 18000 times in 40 days will give you great relief. Moreover, it is associ, Mercury is a neutral and changeable planet having dual personality. or 400 gms of ‘khand’ (misri) in a temple, or in flowing water. Feed Red and Black ants. email : REMEDIES ACCORDING TO LAAL KITAAB. Following are the best remedies for Rahu in the eighth house of the birth chart : If you are unable to focus on your job, many tasks are always moving in your mind, unable to study properly, always in anger and irritated, then you should apply white sandal tilak on your forehead and chant “Om Namah Shivaye” mantra 108 times daily. Avoid eating Non vegetarian food. (4) Feed blind people. If it is aspected by Saturn for lagnas Libra and Taurus, no remedy is required. Offer ends in: 08 hr 11 min 26 sec. We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. Namaste, friends! You can also give moongdals to cows, sugar to ants, eggs (but not milk) to snakes and food to crocodiles to limit unexpected financial losses. Rahu influences in gravest ways during its dasha, retrogression or transit through a sign. Remedies for Rahu’s negative effects on House: * In the entrance of the house either hang or bury a white cloth tied with misiri (a form of a sweet), black lentils, gomed stone and silver. Feed to your street dogs. Lal Kitab Remedies for Rahu: Some of the general remedies for Rahu are. Another effective remedy is to keep a solid silver ball in the pocket. Any imbalance of the, As Sun has the capability to fade away the darkness on earth; it can also evade the negativity in your horoscope if it is positively placed. He is the lord of the blue expanse of the sky. * The name of the house should always be in the ancestor’s name. Rahu and moon are like eternal enemies. You should try staying in a joint or big family along with parents. 0 COMMENT. Feeding black gram to birds, ants, and animals will also help to appease the evil Rahu. To put Rahu remedies simply, when you suddenly start suffering from an unexpected rise or falls in reputation, financial status, health, personal or professional life, then you are being influenced by him. Sun is th, Moon, the queen among the imperial stars is considered as the most influential planet in Vedic Astrology, primarily the reason why Moon sign is held t, If you have a weak Mars in horoscope, results may not be favorable as it is a malefic planet. Thus Mars causes loss and Rahu quickly makes it up. This transit affects the natives of … If marital life gets affected due to Rahu’s presence, native should keep 5 radishes on the bedside of spouse and throw it in flowing water body in the morning for 5 Saturdays. Remedies for Rahu in 10th House : (1) Use blue or black cap. Wearing this Rudraksha will please Lord Ganesha, who will protect you from him and grant you peace and stability of mind. Add some Ashoka leaves and some drops of sandalwood perfume/oil to your bath water. You can chant this Mantras 108 times daily. Login or sign up
Astrological remedies balance the planets' energy system in a horoscope. A house that is under the malefic influence of Rahu gets seriously affected. 4. Mantra is an integral part of Vedic wisdom, that recognizes the sound as a medium of connecting with the cosmos & the supreme power. ATUL KAKKA (MUMBAI) INDIA. 11th house is influenced by both Saturn and Jupiter. It is the north-node of the moon and is called the Dragon’s Head. Avoid wearing Blue color. It can cause recurrent knee pain. When prayed for Rahudosha, you will get immediate relief from the harmful and negative forces of this planet. It gives higher knowledge, education, intellect, and luck quotient to the person. If Saturn is auspicious then native would be brave, long lived and rich and get respect from all quarters. Rahu Lal Kitab Remedy; Ketu Lal Kitab Remedy; Get your free personalised astrology life report now Join over 5 lakh + Vedic Rishi members Access Now Note: * This report is free for a limited period of time. We learned these remedies from our Guru, and use them ourselves. Best Remedies For Rahu. Copyright © 2020, Daily Recite Hanuman chalisa, Shani chalisa, Dasrath Shani Strotra as remedies, this will help to reduce bad effects caused by placement of Saturn in adverse house or … Another effective remedy is to keep a solid silver ball in the pocket. It is also known as a planet of separation. Do this for 43 days in a row to nullify Rahu’s ill effect. You can also keep a peacock feather with you to mitigate the effect. To pacify the ill-effects of inauspicious Rahu you should wear a silver chain in your neck or carry anything made of silver with you. It gives success in politics and photography work. It is a slow moving celestial body, In Vedic Astrology, Rahu is considered a malefic planet by nature. Donating food items such as wheat, banana to the poor can prove to be one of the best remedies to negate the effect of Rahu dosha. You should fast on Saturday and only eat after sunset. Worship Lord Bhairava or lord Shiva to reduce malefic effect of Rahu in dasha. This mantra is for appeasing Lord Shiva and helps in calming the nerves and is the key to unlock sustainable prosperity. Offer raat-ki-rani or mogra flowers when praying to Rahu. Rahu is also known as North Node or Dragon's Head in astrology.It is an unpredictable planet and therefore, it delivers unexpected results. You can pray to Kaal Bhairav to reduce any negative effects. Remedies of Rahu in the 7th House Chant Mantras To reduce the effect of RAHU in the 7th House, one should Chant mantras, and the Rahu mantra “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhrom Sah Rahave Namah” should be chanted 18000 times in forty days for its ultimate effects. Wear 8-faced Rudraksha For Rahu Remedies. When bathing, add a cup of milk to water. Its placement defines what deeds you perf. Rahu indicates irreligious pursuits, adultery, faulty logic, sinful deeds, wickedness, royal status, pilgrimage, foreign residence, old age, poison, snakes, reptiles, air, space, sudden disaster, difficult terrain and south-west direction. Mahavidya Maa Chinnamasta puja. Follow the below remedies for Rahu Mahadasha under our Specialist Astrologer. If it is alone in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo or Capricorn, Rahu will do good only and hence no remedy is required. Indastro curates a perfect astrology reading for you. You can reduce his negativity by donating black urad dal, coconut, and black/blue blankets to the poor, orphans, the disabled and lepers (people suffering from leprosy (kustrogi). We have even taught our friends and family who have been affected by the transit. We need your horoscope to give you a quick analysis. Rahu makes a person disinterest in spirituality and religious activities. Remedies: Do regular chanting of Rahu Mantra “Om Brim Rahave Namaha “. Please note that chanting these mantras during the solar and lunar eclipse is the quick way to pacify Rahu. Do a customary read of Hanuman Chalisa daily. Do not give up – patience and devotion is the key to overcoming this transit. What is Rahu Mahadasha? It shares a friendly relationship with Saturn, Merc, Ketu is also a shadow planet like Rahu. Finally, bathe with clean water and arouse your interest in prayer and other spiritual activities. The results of Rahu depend on the Kundali of the native. Donate blue or black blankets to a religious place or institution. Those having malefic Rahu should also keep their rooftops clean. Helping the needy and the poor with a clean heart is the only way to achieve good results in life if there is Rahu Dosha in your Kundli. Feeding birds is another effectual way to mitigate Rahu’s ill effects. Worshiping maa chinnamasta gives favourable effect of planet rahu such as improvement in financial position, increase in comforts, disappearance of bad habits, development of good. You should use a silver glass to drink anything. He is a period of mental suffering. Give Strength to your mercury then Rahu will give you positive results. You can even chant during solar and lunar eclipses for enhanced benefit. Chant the Rahu Mantra. Rahu will give you type of trouble depending upon which house it is present. When bathing, add a cup of milk to water. Storing water in the south-west corner of your home is also one of the effectual remedies for Rahu. Lal Kitab Remedies For Rahu. One of the best remedies for rahu is reciting the first chapter of Durga Saptasati. So 8 faced Rudraksha is the ruling this planet. When Rahu in 1 st house is malefic, it will affect the person and his son as well. Rahu and Ketu dosha can uproot a person’s life entirely. Rahu is a friend of the deprived, an ally of Saturn (Shani) and the enemy of the Sun (Surya). RAHU: Its Effects And Remedies To Nullify Them We all know that Rahu is considered to be a shadow planet and is also known as Swarbhanu in terms of Astrology. Set afloat barley washed with milk in flowing water to increase the auspicious results of Rahu. A horoscope represents the combined energy system of the 9 planets including Rahu & Ketu. (2) Cover ones head. One of the most effective rahu remedies is to perform the Vamtantra Das Mahavidya maa Chinnamasta puja. Friends, if you want to reduce the negative effects of the Rahudosa, just follow these steps to make sure you suffer no more. Ju, Venus is the karaka of beauty, not just in the physical sense. Best remedies for rahu dosha. If it is malefic in 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th and 8 th house, it will give cause poverty. You can also keep fennel seeds under the pillow to sleep peacefully. Immediate relief is found when you wear this jewellery. Offer a blue flower in a flowing waterbody … This also represents Lord Ganesha. Astrological remedies help you tide over difficult planetary times. It is believed that he solves the most painful problems in one’s life. Never cheat anyone. Lal Kitab Remedies. If Rahu is unfavorable, you should always cover your head with a cap, scarf, or turban, dark blue in color if possible. All transactions on our web site conducted on Secure SSL Site. Like Rahu, Bhairav has eight manifestations. And such factors lead to prolonged medical treatment … Rahu-Ketu transit in one’s zodiac impacts their life for a period of eighteen months. Rahu and Ketu effects on Career, Business and Bad company : There are many problems in career, business, husband-wife-children and among friends if Rahu and Ketu are placed in few positions in the horoscope. Owing to its irrelevant shape and mass. Keeping and feeding dogs on a regular basis also helps. * Do remedies to pitru dosh and everyday donations is advised. If Rahu in 10th house is with Moon it gives Raja Yoga. To overcome obstacles and hurdles caused due to the wrong placement of Rahu, the native must chant ‘ Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah’ mantra. The best remedies to reduce the ill effects of Rahu is by worshiping Shiva and Ma Durga. Video about this article – Rahu and Ketu Remedies: Beautiful Goddess Durga – Shines to ward off all obstacles in your life. Sun and Moon are its enemy planets, with it being more adverse to Sun. Get Rahu-Ketu report to know your personalized predictions and remedies for the malefic effect of the planet. This shadow planet when positive for a horoscope increases spiritual inclination, wealth prospects, royal status and chances of foreign residency. It is considered as a malefic planet in Vedic Astrology but, on the other hand, when Rahu acts like a functional benefic planet for a specific birth chart, it brings rise and success in one's life. It shares a friendly relationship with Saturn, Mercury and Venus and is neutral towards Jupiter and Mars. Lal Kitab Remedies. Rahu Mahadasha and the use of hessonite gemstone, It is the best remedy to mitigate the negative effects of planet Rahu. He has eight manifestations. Feed birds daily once in a day. Immediate relief is found when you wear this jewellery. Articles Remedies for Planet Rahu. Avoid Gambling. The good or bad result of Rahu would depend upon Saturn.s position. Remedies to turn inauspicious Rahu into auspicious one. Keeping ones head uncovered gives the effect of a debilitated Rahu in 10th house. You should try to wear dark blue colored clothes as much as possible. Remember to eat meals with no onion and garlic. (3) Offer 4kg. It is the karaka of intelligenc, With a strong Jupiter in horoscope comes wealth and wisdom. horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign. Drop one blue flower in flowing water for 42 days. Rahu is intent upon making the person rich and well possessed. You should have your meal in the kitchen. This prayer will enhance your sixth sense or intuition. 9. Especially, if Rahu is aspected by Jupiter or Venus, no remedy is required. Always Respect the lower group of people in the society. Sometimes it might not be a loss of money or assets. You should also keep an elephant made of silver. So 8 faced Rudraksha is the ruling this planet. But it can be in the shape of problems with blood system, menstrual cycle or the heart. You can even perform the Rudra Abhishek on Mondays by offering water and milk to Shivlinga, or chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra at least 324 times a day. Lal Kitab Remedies for Rahu. It doesn’t rule any sign. कया नश्चित्र आ भुवदूती सदावृधः सखा। कया शचिष्ठया वृता॥ You can also keep fennel seeds under the pillow to sleep peacefully. for a Vedic TIP on your Rahu, How Vedic Remedies work? You can get immediate relief from Rahu’s negativity by following the steps and actions below. You should also try to avoid taking anything for free. Fast On Saturdays Financial losses due to the Mahadasa can be stopped by donating coconuts, used clothes and other useful items to the poor on Wednesday evenings. Remedies for Minimizing The ill-effects of Rahu. Drop one kilogram of lead, divided into 8 parts, in a river, or any other source of flowing water. Remedies for Rahu for Self: Donate 4 coconuts in the temple on every Amavasya If you aren't able to study, are fearul, are angry most of the time, feel like killing someone, then tie a piece of white sandalwood in a blue thread and wear it on you. Natives with malefic Rahu in horoscope should also offer something made of copper as a present to their lover. In Vedic Astrology, it is strongly linked with karmic accumulations. Usually for such a conjunction, people advice meditation, keeping control over emotions, worship and to focus. Since black and blue are the colours associated with Rahu, donating black blankets to the poor is one of the best ways to appease Rahu. In Vedic Astrology, Rahu is considered a malefic planet by nature. If you are an emotional person and feeling stressed so you can chant Gayatri Mantra daily to get positive vibration of Rahu and Ketu. Remedies for Rahu . Donating black blankets to the poor is the best way to propitiate Rahu. In clothing, Rahu is represented shabbily dressed with clothes in black and blue. Just because Rahu Mahadasha is running, one need not do remedies. Recite Mantra is the best remedy to improve planets instead of wearing a gemstone of that planet because it will help to improve all benefits related to the body, soul, luck. Is Rahu casting a positive or negative influence on your life? We, at Indastro recommend a remedy only if there is a genuine need for it. Gemstones have great healing power & act as a therapy for mind & body when used in the correct form... Vedic Good Luck Yantra is a Vedic inscription that covers crystal & Shree Yantra with a special energy enhancing carving for good luck & fortune... Sade Sati is the 7.5 years time of transit of Saturn over your Moon and around it. Below are some general remedies for Rahu which seem to work quite well. Planets & Transits News: Rahu in 4th house meaning, effects and remedies - The 4th house is the house of moon. Hence, it is of utmost importance that Rahu Ketu dosha remedies are followed for reducing the ill effects of Rahu and Ketu. If you are suffering from the 18 years of the Mahadasa, you should pray to Goddess Durga/Mahakali and Lord Hanuman. He helps Shani when placed in the same house of Saturn. 5. You should also keep an elephant made of silver. Recite the Kalabhairav asthakam, Durga Saptasati, Rahu stotram to reduce bad effects of in horoscope; Japa of the Rahu Beeja Mantra “Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah” 18000 times in 40 days to get immediate relief from Rahu problem. He has eight manifestations. The native is lucky for ones father. REMEDY FOR RAHU. Donate Wine and your shoes. Rahu, often considered as a demon in astrology, is extremely imperceptible. In astrology Rahu is considered an inauspicious planet like Saturn. This also represents Lord Ganesha. This helps bring down the malefic planetary influences on your life. The transit of Rahu in sign Taurus is not very good for most zodiac signs and it makes sense to heed some useful tips and remedies to safeguard yourself from the malefic effect of Rahu Transit 2020-21. ONE SHOULD FOLLOW REMEDIES ACCORDING TO RAHU … Rahu (18,000X) Ṛg Veda, Maṇḍala 4, Sūkta 31, verse 1. To pacify the shadow planet, you should read the first chapter of Durga Saptasati. 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