LVL 65 "Muse" (+3 Illuminated Fist) - Borderlands 3 Xbox One. Gearbox. (take care with elements other than electric, Transformer shield heals with electric & other elements will not). Channels Videos Games . This Amara Phaseslam Melee build guide is split in 3 different pages. I agree with that. Borderlands 3 | Gladiator Amara Best Lvl 65 Pure Melee Build l (XBOX ONE) ... XBOX LEVEL 65 MUSE ACTION SKILL & MELEE DAMAGE, ACTION SKILL COOLDOWN GOD ROLL. Builds Moze Short Fuze Build Guide. Amara Spiritual Driver Boss Killer Build Guide. PICK 5 ROOM DECORATIONS/ ECHO SKINS (ALL 140 AVAILABLE) XBOX BORDERLANDS 3. There are a few different solid Amara builds you … $9.99. 7 comments. But how much of it was actually Meleeing things? Borderlands 3 God Fist Amara Build (8 ITEMS) M10 Lvl 65 (XBOX ONE) $9.50. XBOX LEVEL 65 MUSE ACTION SKILL & MELEE DAMAGE, ACTION SKILL COOLDOWN GOD ROLL. By … I will update this post if I do testing with other VH’s in the future. Fl4k Gamma Burst Radiation Pet Build Guide. Login to rate this build! It is only a one-point skill that gives Amara 75% more melee damage, which is great in and of itself. A Spiritual Driver Borderlands 3 Amara build that dips into the green tree for Mindfulness remains the best endgame Borderlands 3 Amara build, but now you have more points to spend in Mystical Assault. Builds Fl4k Fade Away Crit Damage Build Guide. I finally hit 50 with my first Borderlands 3 character, Amara, but it was clear I had broken the game with her well before that.. Borderlands 3: Best Level 65 Build for Every Vault Hunter. 1: … (High damage Action Skill and bonus cooldown - Avoid Clarity if possible), Class Mod: Nimbus = The first hit of Amara's Action Skill spawns a Cloud at the enemy's location for 6 seconds. This is the build you want. I also switch between Fire and shock Action Skill Element. This additional Status Effect's Damage and Chance is equal to the wielded Weapon's values.). Full Frontal Melee Build. The other 2 pages are the build overview and the gear, which you can access by clicking the buttons below. $10.50. Amara build by wen updated 1 day ago. Whether you’re looking for the best solo build or want to deal huge damage, these are the best builds for Borderlands 3 If your going with the already infamous Amara Melee Build, then this gun is a MUST-have. Using Ties that bind and using the red/blue trees with 3 points into the green tree that gives more damage when you are closer. Phasezerker class mod Pearl artifact also Expert Complex root from DLC 3 Wrecks with this build =) Catch me Live at where I use this exact build! Fl4k Rakk Attack Build Guide. Our Amara leveling build guide features the top skills to get you to max level quickly in Borderlands 3! For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Level 65 Muse Mod with Melee Damage, Action Skill Damage and Illuminated Fist". Fl4k Rakk Attack Build Guide. Amara Phaseslam Melee Build Guide. $2.97. Class Mod: Phasezerker = Activating Amara's Action Skill immediately gives her Max Rush Stacks. Skill Tree. 0%. Full Frontal Melee Build. Free shipping . Gearbox. amara melee build 65, Teemo build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in ... 1095 vs 1084 steel I set out to make a melee based build for Zane that would be viable for all content. Free shipping . $2.97. Face Cast Amara level 60 and Level 65 Mayhem 10 Build. Why are you speccing Allure? I’m planning on making my first character a Flare melee Amara build, what build should I start the early game with? Amara severely lacks in the raw damage needed to make melee builds work. Converts 100% Shock Damage into shields. Free shipping . Lvl 30 and it’s been good so far just going down red and then blue. The Cloud deals 16 ticks of [Action Skill Element] Damage over its duration to all enemies inside it. Borderlands 3. MOZE BUILDS. The Community Amara Guide - All you ever wanted to know A compilation of useful links and comprehensive guides for Amara the Siren. (Every tick can apply an additional Status Effect that deals [Action Skill Element] Damage. Borderlands 3 M10 Weapons and Gear Special Buy 3 Get 2 Free. Builds Moze Short Fuze Build Guide. i did the dlc with lv 60guns while level 65. This build utilises the Spiritual Driver Class Mod to inflict self damage and turn this into large amounts of movement speed via the Mindfulness Skill. If I knew more about her... I’ve seen endgame that it can destroy stuff so I figured you have to have the right stuff to make it work. Sheriff Amara Build Guide. Here is my first build guide. (High DPS good for close quarters, electric cloud will heal shields with the Transformer), Artifact: Moxi's Endowment = +11% XP from Combat (includes Guardian Ranks), Grenade: Tina's Hippity Hopper - High elemental effect chance & spread due to multiple child grenades Class Mod: Phasezerker = Activating Amara's Action Skill immediately gives her Max Rush Stacks. Amara The Siren. Build Overview. FOR SALE! This is a build like most blue and red Capstone builds with a few tweaks for my personal preference. As I make my way through Mayhem 10 builds for each of the Borderlands 3 vault hunters, I have now arrived on Amara, who … I can "sometimes" take out a pack in m10 but with bosses I can barely scratch them. Our Borderlands 3 Amara Leveling Build Guide features a complete step-by-step leveling guide, focusing on survival and close quarters combat while keeping the early progression on this build exciting! Welcome to our Spiritual Driver build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3. Amara Phaseslam Melee Build Guide. This build will allow you to get through anything in the game with ease! any Amara melee builds here? free shipping . Borderlands 3 Best Endgame Builds for Vault Hunters: This Borderlands 3 Amara Build guide has been updated for level 65. Gearbox. I just came across a m10 lightshow which is fine for normal enemies but I still barely scratch bosses. Turn enemies into fine powder with nothing but Amara's fist in this build! Just like my Ultimate Phasecast Amara I wanted to do one for Phasegrasp! $2.89. MOZE BUILDS. Amara Spiritual Driver Movement Speed Build Guide . Stinger Fire On A.S.S trigger any effect. Content: Non-Elemental Weapons can still apply this Status Effect. August 20, 2019, 5:30pm #1. $2.75. Moze Bulletstorm Build Guide. ... amara melee spell build. share. I’m currently thinkin’ of going fire damage for my AS/melee damage and using an electric/corrosiv... Let's get some Amara builds goin'! eliteoneXP (Topic Creator) 3 months ago #6. 100% Shock Resistance. 2. I don't need any more health regen so I pull enemies in to create mayhem and explosions. Archived. Cast at enemies, throw grenades, and perform "drive by" punches that deliver a ton of damage. With the new DLC, we finally have a very good dedicated class mod for a melee build! Free shipping . Login to rate this build! Build Overview Best-in-slot Gear and Stat Priorities. Amara build by Stone_Swan updated 2 months ago. It is excellent at dealing large amounts of damage and is … Elemental Amara Lvl 65. Amara Spiritual Driver Boss Killer Build Guide. I've solo'd the takedown with it too. Free shipping . $2.97. VOTES : 0. For fans wanting to completely master a new character, here is a guide for the best builds for all the Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3. Amara has a lot of build variety in Borderlands 3, but her melee build can dish out some serious damage with the proper skills and equipment. Weapon Stats: Manufacturer- Hyperion; Type- Shotgun; Damage- Based on the character’s melee damage; Accuracy- 68%; Handling- 68%; Reload Time- 2.7s; … Amara glass cannon. Amara The Siren. +25% Action Skill Cooldown Rate. any Amara melee builds here? Amara Spiritual Driver Movement Speed Build Guide. Level 65. [M10 • LEVEL 65] ALL PLATFORMS. Free shipping . Prioritizing skills that buff Amara's melee attacks, tankiness, & action skill damage, this build creates a destructive melee-focused Amara that can easily go through waves of … Welcome to our Phaseslam Melee build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. When attuned to fire, this makes Amara very hard to take down when shields are down. I’ve got a build in the picture below that revolves around melee/elemental damage and locking down foes to make closing the distance much easier before all hell breaks loose. Gearbox. Both that document and this guide focus mostly on Amara (since you’re probably playing Amara if you’re trying to do a melee build), although in this post I’ll first give general info for all VH’s. xbox level 65”muse” ascr, melee damage, asd melee amaram10 borderlands 3. With as much damage that I'm doing, I'm getting all my health back by using Sustainment. Must have for many Amara Builds. XBOX LEVEL 65”KNIFE DRAIN WHITE ELEPHANT” ASCR, MELEE, AOEM10 BORDERLANDS 3 . This build can EASILY solo Guardian Takedown or Maliwan Takedown. Sheriff Amara Build Guide. My first attempt was at level 60 but since the level cap increase this build is even more powerful and does not require any DLC items. Hellborn Amara Takes on Trial of Fervor (Level 65 Nova Berner Set up Showcase) 0: 221: November 25, 2020 [Build] Amara - Hellwalkin' Deputy (M10) 56: 18423: November 24, 2020 Phaseflare even kills the audio! 43. XBOX LEVEL 65”ALL MIGHTY MOZE BUILD” MOXSY BUILD (12 PACK)M10 BORDERLANDS 3 . The majority was probably Facepuncher+White Elephant abuse. Meaning you get to punch bad guys in the face with both your fists and your gun. $2.89. Corrections/questions are welcome. I finally hit 50 with my first Borderlands 3 character, Amara, but it was clear I had broken the game with her well before that.. For reference, Krieg can get +500% with just Silence the Voices, while also having over 600% more possible through his other skills. Level: 65 - Mayhem 10. 1/1 Guardian Angel: 1 point wonder. Amara has a few skills that increase her melee damage permanently but Illuminated Fist is the best thanks to a specific class mod. An anointment shouldn’t make or break you but anything boosting damage is worthwhile. Now before all you keyboard warriors spam the comments how your Melee Amara build can solo the Takedown on M4 and I'm just bad, hear me out. Makes Amara even harder to take down. If you don't want a melee focus Amara, first use the tree on the left, for defense. 40% chance to Absorb bullets as ammo. XBOX LEVEL 65”MUSE” ASCR, MELEE DAMAGE, ASD MELEE AMARAM10 BORDERLANDS 3. Sheriff Amara Build Guide. Playstyle. Amara the Siren is the only playable Siren in Borderlands 3, and with her trio of explosive and spectacular powers, she certainly lives up to the Sirens’ fearsome reputation. Superzerker Siren Lvl 65 build Amara build by MystiqueSiren updated 2 months ago 100%. xbox level 65”knife drain white elephant” ascr, melee, aoem10 borderlands 3 ... xbox level 65”gladiator amara build” joltzdude139 (14 pack)m10 borderlands 3. Assault Rifle: The Alchemist - Shoots Gyrojets that deal Shock damage. 0%. In this Borderlands 3 Amara build guide, we’ve laid out 3 top-tier builds that you can use to get the most out of this no-nonsense powerhouse: one for Phasecast, one for Phaseslam, and one for Phasegrasp. Tweet. Weapon Stats: Manufacturer- Hyperion; Type- Shotgun The Skill Wildfire can spread this Status Effect, Bonus Max health OR Health Regen OR Damage Reduction, bonus action skill element will boost DPS, different element boosts Wildfire & Violent Tapestry skills & Nimbus effect, Each shot deals small Shock Damage to the player. Free shipping . hide . Borderlands 3. Fl4k Rakk Attack Build Guide. 13 minutes ago. save. The best Borderlands 3 build for Fl4k, Moze, Zane, and Amara. Well, they finally did it, Gearbox scaled and buffed melee damage so much that for the first time in about seven or eight months, an Amara melee build is … Stinger Shock On A.S.S trigger any effect. With that now in every slot, we have something for melee... With the new DLC, we finally have a very good dedicated class mod for a melee build! last updated 28/02/2020. Free shipping . Borderlands 3. Amara build by wen updated 1 day ago. If your going with the already infamous Amara Melee Build, then this gun is a MUST-have. 67% Upvoted. Enjoy! Fl4k Gamma Burst Radiation Pet Build Guide. Still trying to figure out best action skill combinations to use though. free shipping . Probably your choice of VH if you’re going for a melee build. Amara Phaseslam Melee Build Guide. maybe just watch a build video Or turn down mayhem. Check Out the All Skills List Here Prioritize Fist of the Elements Tree when Leveling Up. Level 65 Amara build by Stone_Swan updated 2 months ago 0%. Level 65 build for Amara. Vault Hunter: AMARA, THE SIREN. With all of her melee buffing skills she can get +275% melee damage. Want to go all Star Platinum on your enemies? report. Meaning you get to punch bad guys in the face with both your fists and your gun. $2.97. A Spiritual Driver Borderlands 3 Amara build that dips into the green tree for Mindfulness remains the best endgame Borderlands 3 Amara build, but now you have more points to spend in Mystical Assault. If you’re new to this character and don’t know where to start, this is the right place. FL4K BUILDS. FL4K . Free shipping . This unique build focuses on dashing between enemies with powerful melee attacks. 4/5 Jab Cross: This procs with both Slams and Melee, giving some gun damage and greatly boosts Action Skill Damage. This is the build you want. The only gun you’ll be firing is the Facepuncher, which uses melee damage values instead of gun damage. The ultimate weapon for Amara. [ L00T ] Close. Amara the Siren is the only playable Siren in Borderlands 3, and with her trio of explosive and spectacular powers, she certainly lives up to the Sirens’ fearsome reputation. Here's a new, non-melee build for Amara in Borderlands 3 that has some of the highest DPS in the game. 1/1 Blitz: More Melee damage. Builds Fl4k Fade Away Crit Damage Build Guide. Amara is far more interesting at high level when you have enough points to mix and match her action skills with different augments and elements. I hope it makes some sense. This unique Amara build focuses on maximising damage dealt by melee attacks. I was thinking a slam or TTB build, but I wanted to hear some suggestions first. Moze Bulletstorm Build Guide. Pin. Borderlands 3 | Gladiator Amara Best Lvl 65 Pure Melee Build l (XBOX ONE) $7.99. Borderlands 3: Best Level 65 Build for Every Vault Hunter. A ‘Borderlands 3’ Amara Melee Build For Level 60 Mayhem 10, At Long Last Paul Tassi Senior Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Share. FL4K BUILDS. 1 year ago. Using a … Builds Fl4k Fade Away Crit Damage Build Guide. Free shipping . This Borderlands 3 Amara Build guide has been updated for level 65. Link to the Skill Tree. For fans wanting to completely master a new character, here is a guide for the best builds for all the Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3. Fl4k Gamma Burst Radiation Pet Build Guide. 0%. Here’s a build that makes solid use of the “Brawl” skill tree to enhance Amara’s melee capabilities. Wouldn't Soulsap hold more benefits. Mayhem 10 may be tough in Borderlands 3, but with this Amara build, you literally cannot die. Posted by. I am now level 65 and still having the same issue. It can comfortably deal with most enemies on the highest difficulty but, as a niche build, … Amara the Siren. 0%. Borderlands 3 [RADIATION FL4K] Build Pack [LEVEL 65 M10] Flak BL3 [ANY PLATFORM] $3.00. Inner Powerful eBay listing templates by 3Dsellers 143732761406 Related Posts: Definitive TOP 5 … FL4K BUILDS. Moze Boss Killer Build … VOTES : 0. amara tank. Jordangold527. User Info: eliteoneXP. (feeds Transformer shield). At 25 Rush Stacks: +50% Weapon Damage. 3. The damage from this unique gun is actually counted as melee damage. 0: 134: November 24, 2020 Purple Tree's Augment and Cryo with existing Class Mods? Borderlands 3 [LIGHT WARRIOR AMARA] Build Pack [LEVEL 65 M10] BL3 [ANY PLATFORM] $3.00. Here's a new, non-melee build for Amara in Borderlands 3 that has some of the highest DPS in the game. Find Your Center, Blitz, Illuminated Fist: the percentage bonuses are added in the MeleeBonuses part of the equations; all three together add up to +275%. Amara build by Navigator updated 3 months ago. And therein lies the problem. In this Borderlands 3 Amara build guide, we’ve laid out 3 top-tier builds that you can use to get the most out of this no-nonsense powerhouse: one for Phasecast, one for Phaseslam, and one for Phasegrasp. Borderlands 3 [ARMS RACE DLC 5] Buy 2 Get 1! MOXSY Khaos Queen Level 65 Amara build by sobrietykills updated 7 hours ago This build is currently private and will be available as soon as the build creator marks it as public. BUY 3, GET 2 FREE (add 5 to cart) See all eligible items. Borderlands 3. Login to rate this build! The damage from this unique gun is actually counted as melee damage. Your Action Skill of choice is Reverberation, a Phasecast skill that increases damage if you hit multiple enemies in a line. ... As a melee build without health gate, we need to stay out of danger. I’ll address a few Amara-specific things here. Borderlands 3 Best Endgame Builds for Vault Hunters: Amara – Zane – Fl4k – Moze. Want to go all Star Platinum on your enemies? VOTES : 0. Most combinations are broken and don't work properly though. Shield: Transformer. Only one Cloud can be active and it can damage the user. XBOX LEVEL 65”SPIKE STINGER” CRYO ASS MELEE BUILDM10 BORDERLANDS 3. LEVEL 65 MUSE Amara Mod Wpn dmg Action Skill dmg Melee dmg xbox DLC4 - $3.84. It excels at quickly moving between, and finishing off, groups of smaller enemies. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to gear yourself up and play this build at the highest level. Amara Spiritual Driver Movement Speed Build Guide. I'd wager very little. Amara Spiritual Driver Boss Killer Build Guide. CHOOSE 5(ALL FLAK HEADS SKINS AND EMOTES) XBOX BORDERLANDS 3 LEVEL 60. [ Amara Build ] Just got the game with both season passes after watching vids for so long. That's not a melee playstyle, that's … Prioritizing skills that buff Amara's melee attacks, tankiness, & action skill damage, this build creates a destructive melee-focused Amara that can easily go through waves of enemies. 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