But the tax-advantaged benefits of group health insurance premiums and health reimbursement arrangements were not available to be used in order to reimburse employees for individual health insurance premiums. Dear [Employee Name]: As previously discussed, the [Parish/School/Diocese]has approved your request for a [Medical / Family or Pregnancy Disability] leave of absence. Example 1: Sample letters for employee benefit programs. If you are running a business and you have clients who haven't paid for merchandise or services, your business could suffer financial uncertainty and difficulties. Clearly state the purpose of your letter. The answer depends upon the circumstances, including the reason for the employees absence, the size of the employer, the terms of the health plan, and the applicability of one or more federal laws, including FMLA and COBRA. This is in reference to the letter and form received. The memo should outline the employee’s requirement to notify the employer of the reason behind their absence, documentation to support the need for a medical leave (if applicable), and what accommodations (if any) may be needed. '�n�rL'7�S9��35V�0gn=q`BD�7}���iţf�@1��jӞ�lv�ſG�4�i��(�x�'7`9g
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~��ޑϻ�w�-Zn�����*7g~��V�(�G�d�����Ӽx�9@迖����o#. 1,534.50 to us immediately. We are happy to be of service to you. Insurance premium collection letter example, Letter to notify car insurance cancellation due to non-payment of premium, Letter to notify pending cancellation of house insurance for premium non-payment, Letter to notify policy cancellation if payment is not made, Letter to notify cancellation of insurance policy if payment is not made, Letter to notify pending cancellation of accident insurance for non-payment of premium, House insurance premium collection sample letter, Letter of cancellation of a health insurance. For the duration of this leave, the. They neglected to inform us we have to insurance. %����
Kindly remit your premium payment today so that your policy will not be canceled. Inform the reader about the end date of coverage if he/she doesn't make the payment. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Change in Insurance Provider. The memo should also outline the employee’s responsibilities for payment of health insurance premiums. Mention all the benefits of holding your company's insurance policy again. (COBRA). These sample letters can be used in various circumstances you may encounter that require you to communicate with insurance companies. As you were already informed, your policy's grace period ends on October 15. It is worth noting that some notify letters such as those notifying moving out of rented property or leaving a company should be sent several days in advance. Sample letter. Notify letters can also be used by companies to inform employees about changes in the company policy or to inform customers about the company's new location. An employee may need to request a letter that provides employment verification for several factors. 4 0 obj
Sincerely, [Signature] My employer didn't pay our health insurance premium for two months. endobj
Thank you in advance. Mention all the benefits of holding your company's insurance policy again. Facing this reality, many employers have asked whether they can pay monthly health insurance premiums on behalf of furloughed employees (those who are expected to return to work fairly soon) or laid off employees (those who may or may not return to … When writing notify letters, you need to be clear and direct to the point to avoid confusion. When on medical leave, you shouldn't be worrying about whether you need to pay for your own health insurance while off on workers comp. Group Health Insurance Renewal Letter If you need some guidance to draft a health insurance renewal letter for your employees, consider using the sample letter provided here as a starting point. Many states have laws mandating that employers either pay for health insurance for workers comp employees or compensate for lost health insurance benefits along with lost wages. 1 0 obj
To this date we have not received your payment. If an employee doesn’t make insurance premium payments and allows insurance to lapse while on FMLA leave, the employer must reinstate the health insurance benefits when the employee returns to work. To All XYZ Company Employees: If you are taking advantage of our company-sponsored group health insurance plan, currently you pay your portion of the premium with. %PDF-1.5
So, this letter is a bit different than most collection letters. Insurance Cancellation Letter: Insurance policies keep you safe in case of any untoward incident. Under the pay-as-you-go option, employees pay their share of the premiums based upon the agreed terms made between the employer and employee. An employee on unpaid FMLA leave must make arrangements to pay the normal employee portion of the insurance premiums in order to maintain insurance coverage.” The best way to ensure that you and your employees understand the FMLA regulations, and how you have interpreted them for your business, is to write and formalize an FMLA policy for your company. In many cases, the issue is resolved by answering three … These payments are usually made on an aft er-tax basis. Sincerely, [Senders Name] [Senders Title] -Optional-, [Enclosures: number] - Optional - cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -, Further things to consider when writing notify letters to debtors. These letters were developed and used by families who encountered these situations. I want my letter to sound convincing to underwriters but I don't even know how to start and I'm dry on reasons why they should reduce the charge. In some cases, these letters have been used by employees prior to their resignation to inform employers that they (employees) will be leaving the company. &��i2O�'*��+�_�b|G.�����f�a:�|r3���/! rO Maintenance of health insurance policies which are not a part of the employer's group health plan, as described in § 825.209(a), are the sole responsibility of the employee. Through the congressional legislation, an employee who was terminated between Sept. 1, 2008, and May 31, 2010, could pay a reduced premium equal to 35 percent of the health insurance cost of coverage for 15 months. In that case, the employer is entitled to recover only the costs incurred for paying the employee’s share of any premiums whether or not the employee returns to work. Employer Reimbursements for Health Insurance Premiums Updated March 23, 2017 -- For Administrators and Employees If an employer does not establish a health insurance plan for their employees, but reimburses those employees for premiums they pay for health insurance, such arrangements are described as an employer payment plan. Employee Failure to Pay Premiums While on Leave. But then, you want to maintain goodwill and not damage the business' s reputation in the community. 3 0 obj
Because of our growing concern about the stability of Fortune Life Insurance Company and the rising costs of coverage, we have made arrangements to place our insurance with a new organization, Belton Mutual Benefit. stream
But, you won't just ask for payment, you should also make the cancelation sound undesirable. There was nothing preventing employers from giving their employees a raise or taxable bonus in lieu of providing health insurance benefits. Leave Without Pay Status and Insufficient Pay Coverage Continued Coverage. I would like to negotiate down my annual insurance premiums but I don't know how to word it. Conclude the letter on a positive note. In order to make these points clear, we have produced many typical insurance letters which will carry the basics of Insurance Letters. For example, the employee might mail in a personal check every two weeks. If you are an employer or manage a group of employees, the chances are that you will have to write to the employees at some point. These can be to notify someone of a lawsuit that has been filed against him/her, to inform a home owner that you are planning to move out, or to let various entities know that you have legally changed your name. By going through all these sample letters, you will be enabled to write an effective insurance letter on your own. endobj
You will, of course, need to adjust it so the information is specific to your organization's situation, but it's a good example of how to word and format this type of letter. If the company paid your insurance premiums before you went on maternity leave, it should have continued doing so while you were on leave. <>
RE : LATE PAYMENT-LIFE INSURANCE POLICY NO. Option #2: Pay-as-you-go. Letters to debtors are letters you write to people or institutions that owe you money. Sometimes employers maintain other benefits, e.g., life insurance, disability insurance, etc., by paying the employee’s (share of) premiums during periods of unpaid FMLA leave. Those about legal matters should bear the necessary signature. We just want to inform that we were not able to receive your September 1 premium payment. r�9>��������t�&��r{�aJ����t�'_��\~������|*&whr����G�;�̧_����]db�J�X���'ı%�/ q�C�a��(�Lӈ��c^$Q2���j�_M��� �E�$�AA�yU�#���f:S� ?%�IX-�H �:_�; ��6��ld�
S��d.�J��W�� ����-=�_}�i�� 3�6@�ĒF after-tax. Under federal rules, insurance companies participating on the FFMs can drop policyholders if they don’t pay their monthly premiums. Remind the customer that the payment is due. It's a collection letter, and your tone will be persuasive. Premium Only Plan. Dear . However, for policyholders receiving advance payment of premium tax credits (APTCs) and who have paid at least one month’s premium, insurers have to … This charge will be included on the LOA on Remittance Formand p ayment is mandatory if you wish to continue health coverage. Generally, an employee’s enrollment may continue for up to 365 days of leave without pay (LWOP) unless he/she wants it to terminate or does not respond to his/her employing office's notice about continuing coverage during a period in LWOP status. In order to drop the coverage for an employee whose premium payment is late, the employer must provide written notice to the employee that the payment has not been received. If Mike's monthly premiums for his health insurance coverage are $200, then the employer can take $100 out of each of the … Sample letter, Notification letter about ordered backpacks being shipped, Notification letter of installment check returned due to insufficient funds, Notify letter of unavailability of heating system ordered, Notify payment stopped due to lost check sample letter, Example letter to notify stock shortage due to high demand, Letter notifying that the wrong seat covers are returned, Notify delay of shipment due to heavy snowfall sample letter, Returned check notification letter due to insufficient funds, Notification letter of an incomplete order delivered, Letter notifying customer that books ordered is shipped, Letter to notify of returned check due to insufficient funds, Notification letter sample of chairs order already shipped, Notify a customer that you have shipped an order. So, this letter is a bit different than most collection letters. Facing this reality, many employers have asked whether they can pay monthly health insurance premiums on behalf of furloughed employees (those who are … (DATE) Enhancement to Your Company-Sponsored Health Insurance. Remind the customer that the payment is due. The insurance carrier will change to All States Benefits, and premiums will increase. Suite B Kennewick, WA 99336 Phone: (509) 735-1143 Toll Free: (888) 531-5781 Fax To: (509) 735-7668 SAMPLE Letter Employer to Employees. [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-. Memorandum. Start with a friendly letter and if the failure to pay continues, get progressively more serious. AGREEMENT TO PAY AND/OR REIMBURSE EMPLOYER FOR INSURANCE PREMIUM FMLA Leave Employee Name Company Revised 3.17.10 1110 N. Center Pkwy. Letters to employees are letters written to individuals who work for an organization or for another person. The most compelling thing you can say is to stop your service for the client. <>>>
Inform the reader about the end date of coverage if he/she doesn't make the payment. If you are notifying the recipient about a demise, for instance, use a sensitive and empathetic tone. Keep in mind that a cordial, business communication tone is essential.Remember: Recount any conversations that have happened since the first letter. Ensure that the tone of the letter matches the announcement. <>
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They are deducting money from the employees pay, but. When writing letters to debtors, especially those asking for payment, you need to be professional. It is a kind of legal policy between an insurer and the insured wherein the insurer has to pay an amount to the insured when the insured claims for it. You are a valued client of Zen Insurance for more than six years now, and you are benefited with low premiums with comprehensive coverage. Put emphasis on immediate payment. Now have no health insurance. endobj
When employees are absent from work for an extended period of time due to injury, illness, or other reason, a common question that arises is whether employers must continue providing health insurance during the absence. Please remit the sum of Rs. [Date] [Employee Name] [Street Address] [City, State Zip] RE: BENEFITS CONTINUATION. Provide important details about the debt - state how much is owed and when the payment should be made. Employees on a Personal, Educational or Suspension must pay both the employee Leave, cost and the County portion of the premium to maintain health insurance while no-pay status. End with a note of anticipation to having the situation resolved. Within the next 2 weeks, each employee will receive a letter stating the new premium amounts. Workers comp benefits apply to any worker who suffers a qualifying work injury. We would like to inform you that we are in receipt of a directive from (name of the company) concerning the above captioned Regulation. These letters are usually sent after unsuccessfully trying to get your payment, and it is time to take a more serious action. If you are preparing to lay off employees, make sure that a lawyer reviews your layoff plans, along with your letter, to avoid legal risks. Explanation of Insurance Rate Increase Sample Letters. If premiums are raised or lowered, the employee would be required to pay the new premium rates. 2 0 obj
Letter from Employer to Employees. Pay Period(s) of Overpayment: _____ Overpayment Amount ... OASI and Medicare taxes, retirement, health insurance, and voluntary miscellaneous deductions. Notify letters are letters sent to inform others about something important. If you have sent your payment, please ignore this letter. Mike is an employee of Superstar Sporting Goods, a store that offers its employees a health insurance plan and pays its employees bi-weekly. Employees on unpaid leave (medical Such notice must be mailed to the employee at least 15 days before coverage is to cease, advising that coverage will be dropped on a specified date at least 15 days after the date of the letter unless the payment has been … For subsequent letters, use a firm tone but be considerate and professional so as not to ruin the possibility of future deals with the recipient. I just got an insurance quotation from my insurance company; the premiums is too high. 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